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Real name Kanichi Tottori
Death year 1900-1932
Profession musician
Birthplace Shinsato village (now Miyako city)
Memorial hall Haruyo Tottori Exhibition Hall


At 15 years of age, she left her house, showed her talents at a young age, such as trying to play the violin duo for the first time with an enka, Saeda Sodochi (Chichido), and moved to Tokyo. At the inception of the record industry, she acquired talents for beautiful voice and composition and became the first dedicated contractor for a record company in Japan. As a singer, she sang most of the popular songs of the day, such as "Koto Funa", and as a composer, "remembered" and "Song of Great Earthquake" was released to the world. In particular, the song "Samurai Bird" composed in 1923 was so popular that children were prohibited to sing.

Photo courtesy: Niisatomura Board of Education