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Real name Tanaka building love Tachibana
Death year 1856-1952
Profession physicist
Memorial hall Ninohe City Civic Center (Tanaka Museum Aichibana Memorial Science Museum)


Leaving important research such as pure gravity external gravity, geomagnetism, earthquakes, and metrology, he became a parent of Japanese physics. He served as a member of the Academy and a member of the aristocracy to promote science and enlighten the people, and as a member of the International Federation Intellectual Cooperation Committee, he introduced Japanese science overseas. Efforts were made to create and spread Japanese-style Roman spelling. Medal of Culture. The life is called the history of science in Japan centering on physics. A unique personality that combines a samurai spirit and a rational scientific spirit, he always works for the sake of society for the sake of the country, and is generally well-known as a doctor of airplane and romaji.