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New local food

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Introduction of cooking

It is made using glutinous rice flour and pumpkin in the dough of Daifuku.


(For 15 pieces)
Glutinous rice powder ... 300 g, boiling water ... 180 cc, pumpkin ... 70 g, grain bean paste ... 220 g, walnuts ... 15 grains, starch starch ... a little

How to make

1. Remove the crust of the pumpkin, cut it into a suitable size, steam it with a steamer and crush it.

2. Stick glutinous rice flour to the extent that it is moistened with boiling water and steam until it is transparent. (About 10 minutes)

Put pumpkin in glutinous rice flour in 3.2 and knead well. (The more you knead, the better the texture and the more delicious it becomes)

Divide the dough of 4.3 into 15 pieces, and add the rolled bean paste.

5. Apply a pumpkin pattern on the back of the kitchen knife.

6. Put the walnuts on top and finish.

Cooking point

1. Mochi flour and pumpkin are steamed separately to give a beautiful color.

2. By putting the pumpkin, it is hard for Daifuku to harden.

3. The pattern of the pumpkin on the back of the kitchen knife is designed to be liked by children.

4. The finished product can be easily eaten whenever frozen.

Yoshiko Soyoko's "Pump"

Contact Osha 23 Hakusanji Miyauchi, Maezawa-ku

Telephone 0197-56-6247

Explanation Delivery to the neighboring municipalities is possible.