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Certification year


Type of certification

traditional Cousine

Main area

Ninohe City

Introduction of cooking

It is used for offerings of the law and the time of day.


(7 pieces) 2 and 3/4 cups of glutinous rice flour, 1/4 cup of glutinous rice flour, 1 and 2 cups of boiling water, 3/4 cups of sugar, 1 tablespoon of starch powder, 140 g of bean paste

How to make

1. Mix glutinous rice flour and glutinous rice flour, stir in hot water and knead.

2. Steam for 30 minutes, knead well with sugar, starch, etc. for a kneading bowl.

3. Put the coloring into a size of about 70-80 g and color it, and add the bean paste to form chrysanthemum flowers and leaves of trees.

Cooking point

1. Be careful about steaming (whether the fire goes through enough).

2. Keep in mind that coloring and shape become natural.

Miura Teru's "Hinamanju"

Store name Farm products direct sales office contact Ninohe

Place Nikoto City Ishigirisho Nakasone 1 (Before JA Kita Iwate Agricultural Cooperative)

Telephone 0195-23-0288 (FAX)

HP address http://www.pref.iwate.jp/kenpoku/nino_noukai/kannai/007440.html

Business day/
Opening hours 4-November 10:00-18:00
12-March 10:00 to 17:00

Regular holiday January 1 to 3

Explanation "Hinamanju" 2 pieces 350 yen (seasonal limited), "Kabocha donuts" 5 pieces 200 yen, "Okara karinto" 6 pieces 200 yen, "Daifuku (Yomogi, Murasakiimo)" 1 piece 100 yen