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Introduction of cooking

It is fried rice cracker using Gargiel special to the village.


(For 50 pieces)
Flour ... 250 g, Gargiel ... 100 g, Persimmon bones ... 50 g, White sesame seeds ... 30 g, Baking powder ... 1/2 teaspoon, Salad oil
Egg ... 1 piece, sugar ... 1/4 cup, milk ... 1/4 cup

How to make

1. Gargiel finely knead through boiling water.

2. Combine flour and baking powder.

3. The middle bone is taken out of the can.

4. Combine 1, 2 and 3 and add the A ingredients and knead.

5. Put the boiled dough in the refrigerator and let it rest overnight.

6. Roll it into a stick, round and thin, make it into an oval, and fry it with salad oil.

Cooking point

1. Put the dough in a refrigerator and let go for one night (It can grow well and thin when the stiffness is strong)

2. The temperature of the oil is set at 180 ° C in order to clean out the green color of Gargiel.

3. It's not very crispy, but here's the tip.

"Gargiel fried rice cracker" of Kawanishi life improvement group

The restaurant's name The old city's play and drink

Place Oishu-ku, Iigawa-ku Kamiigawa-ji Furutoto 5-3

Telephone 0197-52-3561

FAX 0197-52-3801

Business day/
Opening hours 9:00 to 19:00

Regular holiday 7 days a week

Explanation 350g with 100g