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Introduction of cooking

A traditional dish of Hachimantai where grilled warm rice in a cedar bowl and then grilled with walnut miso.


1 bowl of rice, 40 bottles of rice, 3 tablespoons of amaranth or inakibi, 200 g of homemade miso, 200 g of walnuts, about 80 cc of water, 100 g of sugar, about 30 cc of sake

How to make

1. Add Walnut Miso with Walnut in a mortar and add sugar and Miso.

Add sake and water while adjusting to 2.1.

3. Walnut flavored rice, wash the rice, add millet (amaranthus or inakibi), and cook ordinary rice.

4. Crush the cooked rice so that it can be held by hand.

5. Stick the chopped rice into a bowl. (80g of rice per bowl)

6. Boil the boiled rice with charcoal and dry it to the extent you want.

7. After white baking, add walnut miso and bake to the extent that it burns.

Cooking point

1. Cook rice with local specialty cereal grains and simmer while cooking.

2. Do not bake too much white. Baking after adding walnuts and miso burns and gives out the flavor of miso and walnuts.

3. The baked "Wurkish miso soaking dandelion" can be stored frozen. Make one with a wrap, save it, thaw it with a microwave and eat.