Certification year
Type of certification
traditional Cousine
Main area
Tofu, garlic, miso, sake
How to make
1. Cut a slightly stiffened tofu into a rectangular shape.
2. Add garlic grated, miso, sake etc. and knead well.
Bake the tofu with charcoal and bake both sides with 2 garlic miso.
"Tofu Taku" of Hashikami Kasuikai
Store Name Ishijinza
Place Kuji City Yamane Town Agami 1-28 Katsura's water wheel open space
Telephone 0194-57-2337 (representative Okubo Fumi home)
Business day Open only on the first Sunday of April-December
Explanation Use of home-grown soybeans. One piece of Tofu Taku Raku 100 yen. Garlic miso is delicious. Soba Kiri, Ukiuki dumplings, military gifts are also popular.
Related site http://www.pref.iwate.jp/kenpoku/kuji_noukai/denshikan/007425.html