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Pseudonym reading New Year's Eve
Specified type Prefecture designation
Type Sculpture
Designated date March 23, 1976
Specified details
quantity 12 bodies
location Oishi City Mizusawa-ku Kuroishi Town Character Yamauchi
owner Kuroishi Temple
Holding group
Management organization Kuroishi Temple
home page Buddhist culture on the east coast of Kitakami River and Kuroji Stone


Wooden, Hinoki, Yaki, colored finish.
Formerly, it was worn on the top of the head in the form of twelve branches, but the extant ones are the Shinshogi with the three beasts of samurai, not, and samurai.
From the first on the right side of Honson Reiko [1] Image height 112.0 cm.
It is a military commander who puts a wharf on his hair.
[2] Image height 105.0 cm.
It is a military commander who bears a bribe.
[3] Image height 104.0 cm.
It is a military commander whose nail with a flashed hair and a metal brace made of copper hollow.
[4] Image height 106.0 cm.
It is a military commander who bears a bribe.
[Part 5] Image height 113.0 cm.
It is a warlord statue with a wharf on top of the flaming hair nails.
[Part 6] Image height 114.0 cm.
It is a general of warlords with a sheep's head on the front of the head.
From the left first of the ladder [1] Image height 107.0 cm.
It is a military commander who bears a bribe.
[2] Image height 88.0 cm.
A neckless, shirtless, shoulder-only image.
[3] Image height 107.5 cm.
It is an image of a shirtless naked body with nailed flaming hair.
[No. 4] It is an image of a shirtless upper-body with a bare head and hair on the shoulder.
[Part 5] Image height 116.0 cm.
It is a military commander who nailed a clasp-shaped bracket in front of the boat.
Although all 12 statues stand on the rock seat, the rock seat is a supplement.
In the Kamakura period production, it is a valuable thing in which the twelve masters who oversee Yakushi Nyorai are all in stock.