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Pseudonym reading Tachi-mei-Iwani-hen
Specified type Prefecture designation
Type Craft
Designated date August 17, 1979
Specified details
quantity 1 bit
location Tono City Shiori-cho
owner Tono City Museum
Holding group
Management organization
home page


86.6 cm in length.
Warpage 3.9 cm.
Craft, round ridge.
The warp is high in the original size, the width is wide for both the former and the former, and there is a tread on the waist.
The cutting point is large and extended.
The ground is flat, thick and thick, with large whiteness.
The blade is wide and straight, the blade edge is loose, and the whole is pale.
There is a medicine drop at 7 cm above the district.
It is inscribed as "Ehwa 2nd, August, 2007, and it is a work of Ehwa 2 years (1376).
The large figure shows the phase of the North and South mornings, and the basic blade shows the characteristics of the Basho group.
Although there are relatively many inscriptions, those with an era are rare and valuable from this point as well.
There are three deep marks in the upper part of the upper wing, which is a symbol of the martial arts of this sword.