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Pseudonym reading Japanese Language School
Specified type Country designated / important cultural property
Type Sculpture
Designated date April 6, 1929
Specified details
quantity 2 bodies
location Kitakami City Flower
owner Manfukuji
Holding group
Management organization
home page


[1] Image height 160.5 cm.
Wooden, Katsura, Yaki, colored finish.
Close your mouth, hump up your left hand, raise it, stretch your second finger, and bow your extra finger.
The right hand is humiliated and put on the waist.
[2] Image height 154.5 cm.
Wooden, Katsura, Yaki, colored finish.
Open your mouth and put a demon face on the lower back.
Stretch the left hand, hold the hand by bending.
The right hand is raised up, and the first, fourth, and fifth fingers are bent and the other fingers are extended.
The two crowns were carved out.
Wear a sculpted eye, Tang-like back, and wear a gauntlet.
Hold the mouth of the coffin, put on the knee, put on the coffin, and stand on the Yasha.
The left and right wrists are complements.
Yasha is also a supplement, and his limbs are crooked and he lies down.
In terms of style, all are considered to be from the late Heian period.
