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Specified type Country designated / important cultural property
Type Sculpture
Designated date April 6, 1929
Specified details
quantity 1 body
location Hiraizumi-cho Hiraizumi character clothing
owner Kongoin
Holding group
Management organization Chusonji Temple
home page Hiraizumi's cultural heritage


Image height 95.4 cm.
Wooden, Yaki, lacquered finish.
Spiral-tipped, carved crowns, sparsely carved hairs.
Carve a sculpted eyebrow, tie both hands with a fist.
Put on a bow and put on a bribe.
The foot is a right leg outside ligature seat.
Lacquer foil is a repainting of all generations.
The pedestal is a wooden frame, lacquered foil, and a quadruple-laminated inlay in front of the apricot pattern, which is carved out of arabesque patterns (supplement).
Light spine (supplement) is ringlight.
The round-faced, gentle, soft hands, and the gentle flow of clothing that turns the knees of the tie, you can see the technique of the Fujiwara style.
It is said that this statue is the one who is not a triple tower.