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Pseudonym reading Inuhoe Moren Nenbuki Good luck
Specified type Prefecture designation
Type Intangible folk cultural property
Designated date April 7, 2015
Specified details
location Shiba Town grass cutting character Nakasu
Holding group Inubomori Nembutsu Kenbu Preservation Society / td>
Management organization
home page


Inubomori Nembutsu Kembu is a Nembutsu Ken dance (a Nembutsu dance of a New Buddha service) with a large Numbutsu system with a characteristic dance called Ogura.
It has a scroll inscribed in Genroku 6 (1693), and according to the scroll, it is said that it was handed down from the former Akazawa-mura (now Shiha-cho Akazawa), but Akazawa's Nembutsu Ken dance ceased early It is inferred that the Inumori Nembutsu Kembu dance influenced the Great Nembutsu Nembutsu Kembu dance in the suburbs such as Minami-mura and Yadawa-cho. From this, it can be regarded as one of the origins of the Nembutsu Kembu dance that exists in the prefecture.
In addition, although Inumori Nemboku Kembu dance was temporarily suspended during the war, but only traditional Nembutsu offerings by Sakai, Taiko, Sasara no Yuko have continued, and there is still a form of Nembutsu offering from before the war. There is a feature.
About preservation society, we carry out activity that put emphasis on succession planning, and there are prospects for the future including multiple young members.
Inubomori Nembutsu Kenbu is visiting the cemetery and the house of the client for the donation after offering the offering in front of the Buddha at Niwamoto on August 16 of the Bon. As for the performances, "Nembutsu dance" and "Ohori" are performed, centered on Oiso that is a symbol of the Pure Land.
Photo: Shiba Town Board of Education Secretariat
