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Main production area



The southern pattern dyed with a traditional pattern glued to a durable cotton cloth by a mold and dyed up matches well with Japanese-style living rooms as well as Western-style furniture. In addition, bags and bags are useful for going out a little.

History / History

At the time of the reign, hemp fabric was actively woven in the farmhouse for self-sufficient use, and hemp was used as work clothes, with plain and dyed stains using dyes. Among the patterns, various designs of flowers, arabesques, straws, etc. are used to make products according to the modern sense, and they are dyed into goodwill, table centers, various bags, etc. The traditional Iwate customs and customs have been preserved, with heavy fabrics, refined patterns and robust dyeing in a rustic style, each item is carefully handcrafted.

how to use


Main products

  • Table Center: ¥ 1,620 to ¥ 2,916
  • Carrying bag: 2,160 yen to 3,132 yen
  • Second bag: 1,080 yen to 1,782 yen
  • Vase stand: 1,188 yen
  • Five coasters: 702 yen

Award calendar


Manufacturing process

Raw material smelting → pasting of the mold → dyeing → washing → finishing → sewing → product

contact information

Yokoguro Dyeing Factory

〒 024-0071

Uegami Kouko 18-2 Kitakami City Iwate Prefecture
