Certification year
Type of certification
traditional Cousine
Main area
Introduction of cooking
The fish is caught in the Kitakami River, which flows through the center of Kawasaki Town. Although the amount has been considerably reduced, "Kaitebuto" using its crab is a traditional dish, serving up the dishes of each home.
Two crabs, 500g of salmon, 700g of radish, 100g of burdock, 120g of carrot, 1/2 of konjak, 300g of flour
How to make
1. Boil the flour for lukewarm water and let it sit overnight. Spread it thinly, tear it with your hands, and boil it.
2. Cook as it is alive.
3. Remove the skin of the cod, cut into pieces and put in salt.
4. Cut radish and carrots into ginkgo, burdocks into sasagaki, put them in water and remove them.
5. Leave the konjac loose.
6. Add daikon radish, carrot, burdock, konjac, and gyoza in a pan and simmer. When the ingredients are soft, add boiled and seasoned soy sauce.
7. Put crab miso and green onion at the end and finish it.
Cooking point
1. Cut off the scissors of the crab and wash it with water.
2. Put the miso in a separate container except for the black part.
3.Scara, smash the part of the foot finely.

Hideko Chiba's "Kanibatto"
Store Name Farmer Restaurant Warmth
Place Ichinoseki City Kawasaki Town thin clothes character Vol. 121
Telephone 0191-43-2721
HP address http://www.iwatetabi.jp/spot/detail/03205/1356.html
Business day / Business hours 11:00 to 14:00 Reservation system
Regular holiday Every Friday
Explanation You can taste the river crab "Mozuku crab" with a bit. The river crab is in autumn. Set menu (canned, seasoned steamed, small bowl 3 dishes) ¥ 1,000, usually set in a country butcher set, soba set.