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Certification year


Type of certification

traditional Cousine

Main area


1.Ikosu soup


Sweet potato ... 1 kg, konjac ... 250 g, chicken meat ... 150 g, shimeji ... 100 g, tofu ... 200 g, leek ... 150 g,
Pickled soup ... 1 liter, salt ... a little bit, pickled ... 1 chicken, water ... 2.5 liters

How to make

1. Make the soup in a large pot.

2. Wash the potato, take the skin and cut it into large ones, and sprinkle salt and oil.

3. Konnyaku breaks off properly and stirs.

4. Remove chicken skin and cut into 3 to 5 cm.

5. Wash and cut leeks and leeks.

6. Put the soup and water in a pot and simmer, and simmer the sweet potato, konjac and chicken meat.

7. Season the potato if it is boiled.

8. When the taste is ready, add tofu and green onion and cook.

Cooking point

1. Make forge while taking action.

2. Salt and butter take a slimy paste and prevent boiling.

2. Boiled


Sweet potato ... 800 g, sugar ... 15 g, soy sauce ... 60 cc, sake ... 15 cc, dried bonito ... 10 g

How to make

1. Wash the skin and take the salt and soda.

2. Boil sugar and soy sauce in a pot and add potato dumplings.

3. When it is boiled, sprinkle bonito.

Cooking point

1. It is a nostalgic taste a long time ago.

3. Sumoimo


Sweet potato ・ soy sauce ・ green onion ・ dried bonito

How to make

1. Wash the potato and simmer as it is.

2. Boil it and peel it off. (Sound and feel)

3. Prepare seasonings and prepare soy sauce.

Cooking point

1. Use small chopsticks.

2. While the fruit and skin are hot.

4. Sweet potato dumpling


(4-5 people) too much ... 1.5kg, rice flour ... 500g, sauce (sesame, walnut miso), sesame ... 65g, water ... 45cc, sugar ... 1.5 tablespoons, soy sauce ... 1 tablespoon, 1 walnut, 100g water, Sugar ... 1 tablespoon, salt ... 1 teaspoon, miso ... 2 teaspoons

How to make

1. Take the skin and softly simmer.

2. Put boiled sweet potato into a bowl and crush it. Add rice flour of satomono 1/3.

3. Shape into a size that is easy to eat and boil with boiling water. If it floats, give it to the monkey.

4. Each sauce is made by rubbing with a mortar.

5. Put the dumplings on a plate and put on the sauce.

Cooking point

1. Go to the hot room.

2. Hard earlobe.

3. The shape is oval.

4. To have a cup of tea.

"Satoomo cooking" of the meeting of the mother-in-law

Contact Representative Watanabe Takeko Kitakami City Futakocho Kamiokajima 117

Telephone 0197-66-3812

Explanation Delivered to anywhere in Iwate Prefecture. Performance period September-February.